Recently I had the pleasure formulating with an amazing Australian Extract. Kakadu Plum, also called the Gubinge, Billygoat Plum or Murunga and is grown naturally across the Top End of Northern Australia. The fruit has been a traditional source of bush tucker, antiseptic and sourced for its healing remedy. The Northern Australia Indigenous Tribes for thousands of years have used this native fruit for a medicinal and a nutrition food source. Today this fruit has amazing benefits for the skin that will give you amazing results.
Medical Benefits of Kakadu Plum
The Kakadu Plum contains phytochemicals such as gallic and ellagic acids. Gallic acid has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities and also shows anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, anti-mutagenic and anti- bronchodilatory activities. Ellagic acid has anti-carcinogenic effects against a wide range of carcinogens in many human tissues. Study in 2012 by P, J., & Cock, I. (2012). Antioxidant And Anticancer Activities Of Terminalia Ferdinandiana (KakaduPlum). The extracts were also tested against a wider panel of cancer cell lines, exhibiting anticancer activity against most cancer cell lines tested. Equally important, this plum extracts did not inhibit the viability of any normal cell line tested.
Kakadu Plum A Super Food for the Skin
The Kakadu Plum has been identified world wide as the single natural food source with the highest vitamin C content on the planet. It contains 3000mg of vitamin C per 100g of fruit this is over 50 times the concentration found in most oranges. There is no plant in the world that has the same level of vitamin C, anti-oxidants and bio-actives. Vitamin C is highly unstable but with this new method of extraction stability is accomplished
Read: Vitamin C for Brighter and Younger Skin
Many extraction methods can place the plant matter under extreme conditions which could cause the denigration of the plants compounds and rendering them inactive. An Australian Company call Native Extracts has developed an advanced extraction method that keeps these precious active compounds intact. They have developed a system called Cellular Extraction. This is a system of rapidly alternates static and dynamic stages within a closed system, creating an equilibrium between a plant cell and the liquid medium that simulates the cell environment, allowing access into the cell wall to diffuse the phyto-active compounds into the liquid medium, without stressing or degrading the plant’s bio-matrix, delivering the full plant benefits in an extraction.
The Benefits of Kakadu Plum Extract

Clinical studies shown that this special extract gives will provide these amazing benefits to the Skin.
- 70% increase in hydration
- 60% increase in skin elasticity
- 24% pigmentation reduction
- 28% redness reduction
- 25%increase in lightness
- 12% increase in whiteness
- 45% decrease in dark spots
As always it is important in how this ingredient is used in a formula and at what % level. For this extract to give you the above benefits it has to be in a serum and at 5% or more. In Zen de Jour Vitamin C serums 10% for Maintenance skincare plan or 20% for Maximum Benefit Skincare Plan. Recommended to used every morning.
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Content Copyright © 2016, Debra Spence
All products, material and information provided within this Website are for educational and informational purposes only. No medical claims are implied in the information given and it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Any reference to health benefits cannot be taken as a replacement for medical advice or prescription medication or seen as a diagnosis for a specific condition. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice or treatment of your medical professional. The information provided by in this website is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author but the reader is responsible for consulting with your own medical professional / skin therapist. In no way is any of the content on this website to be construed as medical advice or instruction.